
The strategic value of data
We live in the data era: harnessing large volumes of data is a complex task for organizations today; yet it is not in the data itself, but in the presence of large quantities of it and within an exploitable environment where its value resides.
Global | Innovation 30th of March 2023 share

ChatGPT: Security risks and opportunities in security
ChatGPT offers significant opportunities for businesses and societies, but it is not without security risks that need to be taken into account.
Global | Innovation 16th of March 2023 share

Trends in security technological innovation
Innovation is the best way to approach the future and know how to adapt to new security threats.ies and new criminal formulas.
Global | Innovation 01th of March 2023 share

Hybrid Security
Uncertainty indexes are at maximum and unknown levels. The catalog of threats to organizations and companies is growing, but how, when and where they will materialize is still unknown. Thus, new risks are turning security into an evolving and increasingly broad concept.
Global | Innovation 07th of July 2022 share
Lights and shadows of the metaverse
The metaverse poses immense opportunities as well as serious risks. From new spaces for violent social behaviour to perverse gamification or criminal e-learning: people will shape the lights and shadows of the metaverse.
Global | Innovation 04th of May 2022 share

Criminal technological innovation
Criminal innovation provides criminals important ways to improve and enhance their illicit goals: from the sophistication of drug cartels' modus operandi to the optimization of terrorist attacks.
Global | Innovation 08th of Jun 2022 share