The World in 2024
26th of February 2024
The world during 2024 is characterized by the physical magnitude of speed: galloping financial and political uncertainty; arms, space and energy races; agile comercial battles; or the growing electoral and geopolitical tensions. In addition, 2024 will be a year of polls, with elections in more than 70 countries involving the participation of 51 % of the global population.
In addition, in 2024, the debate on technology and progress as a way to empower people from a dual perspective - as a workforce and as citizens - will continue. We invite you to read this publication on 2024, which, rather than predicting, aims to build a safer future from a broad perception, conscious analysis and autonomous reflection so that each person and organization make decisions intelligently and strategically.
To this end, within the framework of the 5 keys to the future, already set out in previous documents, we offer a series of trends and key points to which special attention should be paid in a variety of areas and with multiple and diverse impacts. Likewise, a security calendar has been drawn up, which can be downloaded independently, and which includes different geopolitical, cultural, religious or sporting events, among others, that may mark the security agenda in 2024 from an expanded perspective.
In the current moment of global uncertainty and instability any state of corporation is affected by variables and megatrends that shape the socio-economic reality and the criminal actions of individuals and organized groups. Security, therefore, is always contextual. Organizations wishing to embrace the changes of 2024 must do so aware of their context, anticipated in the previous section by means of signals contained in the keys to the future, and which guide us towards areas in which to pay greater attention.
Security calendar 2024
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