Articles about Global

The World in 2024

Political and economic uncertainty, technological, energy and space races, agile trade battles or multiple elections will set the agenda for a turbulent 2024.

Global | Future 26th of February 2024

Future of the Internet

The evolution of the Internet through web 1.0, web 2.0 and web 3.0 is not without significant security risks at different levels, from geopolitics to society and culture with the power of disinformation.

Global | Future 21th of September 2023

A twist on the world in 2023

Prosegur Research has revised the 7 keys to the future to respond to the different approaches to the reconstruction of the world and to reassess the systemic risk hotspots for the coming months and years.

Global | Future 27th of July 2023

The strategic value of data

We live in the data era: harnessing large volumes of data is a complex task for organizations today; yet it is not in the data itself, but in the presence of large quantities of it and within an exploitable environment where its value resides.

Global | Innovation 30th of March 2023